EvOn: Hey Naomi What's Good?
Naomi Sparks: Everything great.
EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors?
Naomi Sparks: Hey you guys this is ur girl Naomi Sparks, all the way from Atlanta, Georgia ....thank you on having me today Evon
EvOn: And thank you Ms. Sparks for talking with us on today
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the modeling at the moment?
Naomi Sparks: Well right now im working with XXL magazine just shot for them last week, Im also doing the Atlanta Internation fashion week so come support me.....and there's alot more in the works .....also keep the look out for my sexy 2010 calendar, for those who wanna see me threw out the year.....any information about anything dealing with Naomi Sparks you can check me out www.myspace.com/Naomi_sparks or email naomisparks9@aol.com and you can pretty much find out where im gonna be what im doing and so on...
EvOn: Are there any plans to take your modeling further or is this just a starting block for other Things to come?
Naomi Sparks: Oh yes,this is definitely a starter block for more opportunities in my career....but modeling is what i love, I just dont plan to stop there....
EvOn: When people check out ya modeling work What has been there responses so far?
Naomi Sparks: I really get alot of great responses on the fact that my look is very unique......not only that im a fun person to work with....ive never had a photoshoot where the photographer wasnt happy........im serious about my career and when i go in to shoot ing I just become a different person, and its fun for me....
EvOn: what inspires you in life and what made you want to become a model?
Naomi Sparks: I wanted to be a model from young. I can remember my mom putting me in modeling school at the age of ten. I cried and cried on how i wanted to become a model and one day she supprised me and we were in a modeling school....We did fashion shows for macy's and alot of other school magazines at that time..and so that has always been my dream...to become a model. The thing that inspires me....is my mom and just wanting the best for her....she has been there for me threw some very
crazy times and I just want nothing but the best for my mom she really deserves it.
EvOn: what's the Modeling scene like in the US?
Naomi Sparks: The modeling scene is very competitive, but theres also alot of work.....its a great place to be if you wanna get discovered.
EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a model, and is promoting being Gay important to you in this industry or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs?
Naomi Sparks: Well the main stream is pretty funny about sexual prefferences, like same sex. Im not on broadway promoting my preference, but im also not hiding that fact that I am lesbian.
EvOn: Are there any other models from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now?
Naomi Sparks: Im pretty much sure that you will see alot of ppl coming out and being freely gay or lesbian......and when they do i only wish to be there and support my GLBT community....
EvOn: If you wasn't modeling what do you think you would be doing right now?
Naomi Sparks: Well I know that I would be a business owner and definitley in the media..
EvOn: what adivise would you give to new models that wanna make it big in the industry?
Naomi Sparks: Really just to be safe meeting new photographers, never go alone....be positive and always be a lady. There will always be eyes on you and your reaction to things.....do everything in moderation....and always put your 100% in all that you do.....
EvOn: Any final words / shoutouts before we finish?

Personal: under construction
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