EvOn: What's Good?
Everything is fantastic dude! I done hooked up wit my FAVORITE British Rapper! Good times!
EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors?
Yup! for those of you who don't know me I'm KHAOS DA RAPPER, Newark NJ native n now...ATLANTA GA resident. Probably shoulda been named rapper of the year back in 2000 or sum shit but...guess it wasn't my time! lol I'm a rapper, producer, engineer, songwriter, and CEO of BOOMBOXMUZIC. Ooh n most recently...I became a housewife. lmao
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the music at the moment?
KHAOS! lets see we got the follow up to REALITY T.V. (my last year solo album) the new albulm wit a secret band! (shut up! i know!) a mixtape collab wit my homie YOUNG LYXX a TOP SECRET JOINT (Evon imma send u a private email on this one) and I'm writing and doing production for Jon Doe's (a BOOMBOX artist & producer) 1st albulm! Aside from that were runnin this BOOMBOX, hosting a monthly new music showcase called "THE DIGITAL UPLOAD PARTY" at BOOMBOXSTUDIOS, sum real 2009 shit! you bring ya jumpdrives n get free DIGITAL UPLOADS from these new artist....and of couse BOOMBOXMUZIC!
EvOn: Are there any plans for any Collabs anytime soon?
As soon as I finnish this interview I'm tryna collab wit this chick named EVON da MF'n BULLY!! lol but my business is built on collaboration. I'm ALWAYS lookin to collab. Mater of fact I'm workin on a collab wit the world fastest bassest! he's from INDIA and he's super dope! I gotta long list of joints to do, still woking slowly but surely.
EvOn: When people check out ya music What has the response been like so far?
Its been super good bruh, like...its kinda strange. I never get negative responses. Sumtimes I throw my music out so I can get responses from unbiased folks, people that have NEVER EVER heard me b4. I jus want the honesty! I'm a secretive person especially with my music. WHY? who knows so there's tons of shit I have that folks have never heard, just a select few. Who I let listen now lets me know im on the right path! OOH! and of course i get the infamous..."YOU SOUND LIKE LIL WAYNE...n YOU LOOK LIKE LIL WAYNE!!" actually...he looks n sounds like ME! 2 toooootally different artist!
EvOn: what inspires you to make ya tracks?
Ummm....I'm a whatever artist. The moment inspires me. Travel & new culture & experiences inspire me. I dont watch TV at ALL. I rarely listen to the radio. So, my imagination is all my own! as far as my Ipod....just a buncha me, my folks, and classics from every genere.
EvOn: what's the Gay hip hop scene like in the US?
What the hells that? Easily broked down u got dyke rappers n femme rappers. Either they on the straight scence spittin or on the gay scence spittin. Not often do they cross over both ways...with the exception of a few. PERIOD. Either there exploited or respected...n thats like a 80/20 split...BLAH...

[Video - My Place]
EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a female Rapper, and is being Gay important to sale your music or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs?
Hella hard I'd say. Well its actually obvious! How many GOOD female mainstream emcees can we name?? RIGHT. Thank GOD for the internet allowing artist to market n promote themselves. One day these major marketers n promoters will fuckin catch on and stop depriving the world of DOPE FEMALE EMCEES!
Being GAY is important to me, but not to sell my music. Actually if i had a choice, those two would not even cross paths! But! I love women! imma songwriter I write about what I know n love. Its a male dominated industry were sex sells...cant keep it to myself..sex sells! lol WTF!
EvOn: Are there any other artists from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now?
Probly! so! besides me n you! wen u find summore lemme know! i'll be more than happy to support um!
EvOn: If you wasn't making music what do you think you would be doing right now?
Damn, good question. ooh yea i'd probably be teaching or managing a cell phone store. BLAH!
EvOn: How important do you think it is for new artist’s to know their history and appreciate the different elements of Hiphop even if they don’t partake in them?
SUPER IMPORTANT! u gotta know were u came from to get were u goin. I dont listen to anything but older shit. tryna maintain a certain level of HAPPY music. Feel Good music! If i would have never been put on to those feelings...those emotions... how could i be inspired to write like i write??
EvOn: any final words / shoutouts before we finish?
OF COURSE!!! the entire BOOMBOXMUZIC fam..Jon Doe, Fridae Nite Grinz, LACE, BOOGIE,Twentyone, and Kamal. BIG UP BOOMBOX'S right hand company FROME2U KD(www.frome2u.com...ladies tell um u want custom KHAOS DA RAPPER earrings muah!) MAKEUPBYTIERRA!! long time supporter of outstanding good music! DIET COKE (lookin for a sponsership thanks) Beatz "DooDah" Wonder and Pacino. AND ALL THE CATZ OUT THERE THAT APPRECIATE ME FOR MAKIN GOOD ASS MUSIC!!!

***LISTEN OUT FOR THE NEW "DA FAME REMIX" Featuring UK, London Rapper EvOn - The Music Bully***
Buy the Album here at CDbaby
LOVE KHAOSDARAPPER.. Her music has truly grown on me & opened my eyes to a different sound of music that I am in love with now! I support ya mami!