EvOn: What's Good?
Aint nothing homie! What's good with you?
EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors?
No problem. I'm a Hip Hop artist, a visionary and leader in my community who is focused on creating a space for LGBT females to thrive in Black music/entertainment industries. I'm living in Baltimore MD US right now.
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the music at the moment?
I'm excited about some new projects, both on my own and a few for my organization We Are Hip Hop Too! I We're kicking off a national tour to showcase our most promising artists in 2010. And i 'm in the studio working on my first full length album.
EvOn: Are there any plans for any Collabs anytime soon?
Actually yes, but I don't want to let the cat out of the bag just yet.
EvOn: When people check out ya music What has the response been like so far?
The response has been very good so far. People really respect my lyrical style and it feels good to hear that my words are inspiring to them.
EvOn: what inspires you to make ya tracks?
My love for humanity. I literally love the entire world like a mother loves a child. Every song I write is about wanting to bring in higher energies, or a new perspective, that can contribute to the world being a better place. I also have a need to share myself at a very deep level with many people...and music is one of the best ways for me to do it. It's like as I become more vulnerable and open to sharing that vulnerability of my healing and transformations, somehow it helps others to heal as well.
EvOn: what's the Gay hip hop scene like in the US?
I can't speak for the entire US but here on the east coast I'd say we could use more exposure...which is why I started WAHHT! My goal is to not have a Gay hip hop scene at all but instead of have gay culture within music as accepted and universal as we've made Hip Hop.

We Are Hip Hop - K. Love the Infinite
EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a female Rapper, and is being Gay important to sale your music or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs?
My opinion is that it isn't hard, but that a lot of people believe that it is. So as a women I get to find creative ways to inspire record lable execs and industry gurus that I and other female rappers are just as viable as male rappers, perhaps even more so if allowed to be who we are without having to fit into a mold of what they think will sell.
EvOn: Are there any other artists from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now?
Definitely....everyone in my camp of We Are Hip Hop Too! like Mzery Loves Company, Reina Williams and more coming.
EvOn: If you wasn't making music what do you think you would be doing right now?
Listening to, dancing to, selling and/or promoting music.
EvOn: How important do you think it is for new artist’s to know their history and appreciate the different elements of Hiphop even if they don’t partake in them?
It depends. I am hip hop. That shit flows out of my veins onto paper and spills from my mouth into the air. I don't need to study history to be who I am. But I think it is very important for those outside of the culture to understand it's origins to better understand the culture and spirit behind it.
EvOn: any final words / shoutouts before we finish?
Yeah man. Thanks for all the love and support you've showed to me. It's real cool that you have a community baded mentality instead of a competitive one. Cooperation and collaboration is what will get us all ahead faster and further. Peace & Love to you.
We are Hip-Hop too
K.Love the Infinate Website
i had to post this up: its a responce from one of K.Love Listener:
ReplyDeleteL.michelle Wrote:
It's wonderful to witness all this love and support. Stretching across borders.
K.love gave me the balls to perform for the first time. I did horrible... but I did it.
Continue doing what it is that you do.
All love
~london michelle (zig)