EvOn: What's Good?
TD: You, mostly me...lol.....nah everything is kewl
EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors?
TD: Well I'm known in the community as Triston Dior but my stage name is R.E.A.L
which stands for Rhymes Equal Actual Life. I rap as well as do Graphic Design
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the music at the moment?
TD: Right now I am working on my new album called "Never To Late" due to be
released early 2010. I'm also preparing to start doing shows everywhere.
EvOn: Are there any plans for any Collabs anytime soon?
TD: Well I already have collabs with Blanco the Silent Celeb, I'm also working on a
track with Sik from the Urban L Magazine and finally I plan on doing a track with
Chix The MC
EvOn: When people check out ya music What has the response been like so far?
TD: Most people love my vibe, I've been told on many occasions I am the best female
rapper to spit thus far.
EvOn: what inspires you to make ya tracks?
TD: My tracks are inspired by real life events. When I hear a track and a story starts
to form in my head, I go with it. It's easier for me because I don't have to write
anything down, it's all straight off the head.
EvOn: what's the Gay hip hop scene like in the US?
getting behind something that can be viewed at as controversial. For the most part
I don't really have that problem because I was crafted in the straight community.
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EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a female Rapper, and is being Gay important to sale your music or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs?
TD: It can be hard to survive in a male dominated industry but I haven't had much of a problem. The fellas respect my grind and dig my music.
I believe it is hard for anyone to make it right now because the state of the industry. As far as sexuality, I'm a very private person to begin with.
I think it is a good marketing strategy to keep them guessing, but as you can see I am aggressive so it's really now secret..lol
EvOn: Are there any other artists from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now?
TD: As far as the gay scene like I mentioned earlier Blanco The Silent Celebrity, Chix The MC and Sik. Other than that
My brothers F Dot, Mann Child and M. Dawson, these artist can be heard on my new album
EvOn: If you wasn't making music what do you think you would be doing right now?
TD: I would be doing Graphic Design like I'm doing now. It has always been a hobby of mine, but Roxi Moulin encouraged me to
continue on a more professional level. But to be honest I've been doing music so long I can't even imagine doing anything
else. I am interested in starting my own company though.
EvOn: How important do you think it is for new artist’s to know their history and appreciate the different elements of Hiphop even if they don’t partake in them?
TD: It's is extremely import to understand every aspect because that is how we evolve. To know where music has been let's you know
where to take it. Also, people have to understand Hip-hop is more than music it is a culture. How could not want to learn about your
entire culture.
EvOn: any final words / shoutouts before we finish?
TD: Stay tuned for my new album "Never To Late" it is sure to be a banger. Shout out to Teri London and her new weekly online novel
which can be found at lesbiantales.blogspot.com. Also shout out to Roxi Moulin, Blanco The Silent Celebrity and all The Silent Celebs,
MAXCLUSIVECASSIDY RAGOHARDENT holla at me for future shows. 2010 is going to be great!
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