"Oh no shame, So Ok Magazine Messed up big time, they did a before and after, but they used kano pix as a before and noel clarke after...but how could they of mixed the two up they don't look like each other that muc??..lol SMH im thinkin its a case of "all black people Look the same"..well who know's but check out OK's apology below on twitter and do you think its an "OK" apology?? they only sumbitted it via twitter not even on thier main site!!..anyways...go and have a go at ok...ok??..lol @OK_Magazine
And this is their Apology on Twitter:
[In Text]
Hands up. Epic fail on the Noel Clarke pic. Huge cock-up by a pic agency we use..but beatings will commence here at HQ shortly. Sorry Noel.
4:25 AM Dec 12th from web.
@noelclarke No excuses Noel. Our pic agency let us down but it should have been spotted. Name a charity, and we'll all make an Xmas donation
4:36 AM Dec 12th from web
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