"Uhmm..now why did they have to go all out and do some kind of makeover to prove what?..all it show's that she looks like a dude dressed up like a girl...either way she looks they way she looks why have her go all out when its clearly not her Anyways...well thats my opinion each to thier own."
[She appears on the cover of a magazine in her native South Africa wearing a black evening dress with the headline 'Wow, look at Caster now!']
[What she say's: 'I am who I am and I am proud of myself,' she told the magazine.
'I'd like to dress up more often and wear dresses but I never get the chance.'
The controversy over her gender, which has angered many in South Africa, emerged after she took gold in the women's 800 metres.
She is awaiting results of gender tests but said she was not bothered about the row overshadowing her win.
'I see it all as a joke, it doesn't upset me. God made me the way I am and I accept myself,' she said.
And there are some compensations. Oprah Winfrey has invited her to star on her chat show.]
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