Everything ...Life Is A Struggle, However It All Depends On How You look At It...I Always Find Beauty..In Misfortune Its The Number 1 Motivation Besides Family
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the music at the moment?
Well Right Now We Are On The Campaign For " Dreams " ...Dreams Is The First Single Off The Forth Coming EP " A Note On Ya Dresser "...This Is My City Dreams Is A Very Powerful Song Produced By Dj Vega Benetton..And Written By Myself. It Embodies The Plight Of The Youth, The Ancestors, The People Of The Inner City..Dr. King Lead Off With The I Have A Dream Speech..And Im Just Playing My Part By Reiterating His Sentiments. This Is Hip Hop And Of Course My Version Is A Bit More Edgy ...
EvOn: When people check out ya music What has the response been like so far?
People Wanna Put Me Back In The Time Period Of The Pioneers...I've Been Told I Am Rakim All Over Again..And To Me That Is The Ultimate Compliment..Rakim Is Known To Us As The God Emcee..The Hightest Of The High..Im Not Sayin I Believe Im God..But I Am Sayin I Have The Power Of God Within Me..And Others See It..Minus The Religious Connection...Its Spiritual..Its Real..Its Neccesary
EvOn: What or who got you started in Hip-Hop & Why?
I Was Born Into This..I Come From The Era Of Suede Pumas, Cazels, V Bombers, Shell Toe Adidas,
Grand Master Flash, Melly Mel, Cold Crush Brothers , Run Dmc..The Beginning..So When I Awoke In Life Thats What Was Goin On..I Followed Suite..I Played My Part..Studied My Lessons..Did The Knowledge..I Was Lucky Enough To Know That This Generation Too Would Lead The World...And I Am Here To Do What Has Been Asked Of Me...I Dont Do This For The Cars, Women, Jewlery..I Dont Even Do It To Be Mentioned As The Best..While All Those Things Are Blessings..My Plight Is To Be Mentioned As One Of If Not The Most Prolific Writers Of Our Time..I Use Hip Hop As My Tool Because Again This Is The Language Of The World...I Have A Beautiful Story To Tell And Its Not Just My Story..Its The Story Of The Child Who Lived The " Inner City Blues "
EvOn: What makes a "Real" Hip-Hop Mean?
Hip Hop Is Real When Its Unbiased.. You Cant Tell A Story That Only Consists Of Accomplishments..Like Some " Rappers " Like To Talk About All The Women They've Slept With..Never Tell The Story Of The Women Who Hurt Them..And How She Inspired The Promiscuous Behavior He ( Rapper ) Glorifies.. Im Not Pointing A Finger Nor Am I Here To " Preach "...I Just Feel In Order For Something Or Someone To Be Considered " Real "..There Has To Be An Opporunity For The Audience/Viewer To See You Or It In A Time Of Peril.." Judge Me Not By My Accomplishments..But What I Do In A Time Of Despair "
EvOn: What inspires you to write?
I Get Inspired By Life..When I Listen To Music I Try To Paint A Picture About Things We Can Relate To..Sometimes Abstract But For The Most Part Im Tryna Find A Way To Express Myself Creatively..And So Im Inspired By Helpin Others Get Through Similar Issues, Helpin Others To Become Who They Wanna Be, Instilling Discipline In The Minds Of Men, And The Importance Of Being A " Woman " To Females..This To Me Is Life..Its All Bout Growth..Some People Teach, Some Research I Paint Pictures With Words
EvOn: what do you want to achive with your music?
I Wanna Be Mentioned As One Of If Not The Most Prolific Writer...I Wanna Accomplish Things That Havent Even Been Thought Of...Hip Hop Has Done So Much For The World, For People Of Color I Feel A Burning Desire To Contribute To It..
EvOn: What is your best ever Hip-Hop Track you ever wrote/recorded & Why?
I Cant Say The Best Ever..That Would Be Me Having To Take Sides...My Music Is Like Family..Some Songs Fulfill Different Voids In My Life At That Time..For Example A Song Like " The Message "..Is A Very Very Powerful Song ..In The Chorus I Say ( Riding In The Back With The Shotty Tucked Low On Some Black Power Shit If You Feel Me Lets Go..) Thas How I Feel Sometimes...That Whole Black Panther Party..I Think That Was Amazin..Then I Make A Song Called " A Mother Like You " In Which I Say ( You Was There From The Start Im The Soul You My Heart Mommy Up And Left This Shit Is Tearing Me Apart ) Im Talkin To My Grandmother...But Thas Me Sayin I Know What It Is To Be A Child Raised By His/Her Grandparents But , You See Them As Mom And Or Dad..How Many People Make Those Kinda Songs?? I Can Go Left Field Do A " Dreams " In Which I Place Myself In The Shoes Of Everybody..I Dream..You Dream..We All Dream... So Id Have To Say there Is No Best They Are All Special For Special Reasons.. I Wouldnt Pick My Brother Over My Sister..I Just Consider Them Family..As For My Music Its All My Music
EvOn: If you wasn't making music what do you think you would be doing right now?
Honestly I Dont Like To Think About That..I Lived A Hard Life..And While I May Have Accomplished Alot..I Feel That I Coulda Turned Out Different..But It Didnt..And I Just Wanna Be Thankful For What I Do Have...Sometimes We Get Lost In The What Coulda Happend..It Didnt And Instead Of Tryna Get That Back Im On A Plight To Get More..So Im Really Blessed To Be Doin What Im Doin Right Now..
EvOn: What does Hip-hop Mean to you?
To Me Hip Hop Means Expression..The Way We Walk , Talk , Dress, Its All Our Expression..Like Any Other Culture We Now Have A Voice And Its About Using It..Expression Isn't Always Verbal..So Get Out There And Express Ya Self The Best Way You Know How ..Thats Hip Hop...In An Authentic Way Though..lol Lets Not Step Outta Bounds
EvOn: Top 5 Hip-Hop Albums?
illmatic reasonable doubt Paid In Full Money Power Respect Aquemani
EvOn: Top 5 Hip-Hop Singles?
King Of Rock Juicy One Mic Dear Mama Dreams
EvOn: Top 5 Mcs?
Rakim Nas Kane B.I.G Krs one
EvOn: Top 5 Female MC's?
Lauryn HIll Foxy Brown Mc Lyte Lil Kim Shawnna
EvOn: Most Memorable Hip-hop Video & wHY?
King Of Rock Run DMC... Thas Where It Got Interesting For Me..To See Run Just Doin Him On The Stage Was Inspiring..I Always Felt Run Was One Of The Few..Nobody Could Ever Touch..And He Wasnt Even The Nicest Of My Favs..But His Showmanship Is Impeccable..lol Do You Remember Krush Groove..Just After He And His Bro Get Into It..And He Goes On Stage.." I Want You To Know One Mother Fucking Thing "..This Is " My House "...Woooooah! U Gotta Love It
EvOn: Most Influentiual Hip-Hop Track & Why?
Dear Mama..This Song Was Like A Young Male Apoligizin For All Of The Pain And Agony He Caused His Moms..We As Young Men Go Through A Lot, But We Will Never Know What It Is To Be The Mother Who Made This All Possible..And So In The Word Of Pac To All The Mothers Across The World " You Are Appreciated...Dear Mama "
EvOn: Have you heard of any UK Rappers or Tracks, if so who is ya fave?
Not Many But I Have Done Work With Dj Ames, And Also Sandy Solo Both From The UK
EvOn: How important do you think it is for new artist’s to know their history and appreciate the different elements of Hiphop even if they don’t partake in them?
Very Important You Cant Get To Where Your Goin If You Dont Have Knowledge Of The Journey Prior To You...People Take Lil Things For Granted And History Is One Of Them..However If You Learn To Incorporate The Past While You Pursue Ya Goal ..You Can Learn From The Mistakes Others Have Made , And Also Gain Other Insights By Paying Attention To History And Other Elements Of Hip Hop
EvOn: Any final words / shoutouts before we finish?
I Wanna First Thank You For The Opportunity..I Found This To Be Very Interesting..I Would Like To Give A Shout Out To The Uk, And All The Hip Hop Aritst Overseas, Of Course The United States Of America , My Phamily M.E.N/PPG, Blackout, The New Nu York, Microphonebully, GryndMobb,Everyone Who Supports T.Parris And To Every Ghetto Across America We Must All Continue To " Dream "
[50 Cent Not Interested In Working With Mase No More! + Says Kanye West Jacked Mase's Style] [Shots Fired: 50 Cent Disses Young Buck & The Game On His Track! "It Was Five Of Us All Of Us Millionaires, Now Ones A F*ckin Junkie And Ones A F*ckin Queer" [Audio]]
EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors?
BSC: Whats Good Music Lovers World Wide. The name is Blanco Silent Celebrity.
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the music at the moment?
BSC: Lots lol. Some under the table some over the table lmfao… Current project is my mix tape “Da Life of a Silent Celeb” few feature artist so its def gonna b a great piece most def.
EvOn: Are there any plans for any Collabs anytime soon?
BSC: I love Collabs lmfao. It’s crazy how you can mix and match artist of different genres and come out with even greater music.
Im currently working with Trice aka Ya Girls Fav rapper out of Jerz and REAL the MC out the Bx. Trying to get up with a lot of diff underground artist like Madam Brown out of Cali Fiona Simone out of ATL and of course EVON the Music Bully lol
EvOn: When people check out ya music What has the response been like so far?
BSC: Ive got great reviews. Street Music DJs happens to be big fans of my music. They spin my tracks often in the clubs. Few well known DJs love the fact that im not prissy with my lyrics lol I write what I feel what I see what I live lol. DJ Almo called me a RNB Rapper lmfao
EvOn: what inspires you to make ya tracks?
BSC: Shitty lyrics over a hot beats lol. I like to dance so if the music can catch my attn but the lyrics make me want to vomit. I try my own style against it and go with the flow. I free style RnB sorta like how rapper get in a cipher. I will get on any track as long as it talks to me.
[Check out the New Track "Ooowee OooWe" Video will be shot in a few weeks..Show Support]
EvOn: what's the Gay hip hop scene like in the US?
BSC: what gay hip hop scene lol. honestly I haven’t really seen anyone other them Kin4Life and Siya the lesbian MC and C.Murda. I feel that they don’t get the recognition they deserve. And it’s about time WE as a community change that.
EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a female Rapper, and is being Gay important to sale your music or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs?
BSC: I consider myself a Singer who happens to be a lesbian not a lesbian singer. If the music is good and u feel the artist I feel the personal life should have anything to do with it. Im going keep making music and loving woman and if I cant perform its as a woman in the industry I will sell it to a man and still get the $$
EvOn: Are there any other artists from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now?
EvOn: If you wasn't making music what do you think you would be doing right now?
BSC: Working in Print Advertising like I do now. gotta love the $$$
EvOn: any final words / shoutouts before we finish?
BSC: Yeah of course lol.
Watch Out For Me Always Vote for Blanco the Silent Celebrity!!!!
Shout Out to…God for blessing me with a undeniable talent. Shout out to You Evon for keeping the love going for our underground LGBT networks. Umm…My Silent Celebs, Ikon Magazine, Sireal Music, Payday Ent, Honey Ent, Street Music Ent, Money Mobb OutKast Crew Soul’d Out Ent and anyone who support the Silent Celebrity movement!!!!
"Yes well you know i like my Hip-Hop and i especially love french hip-hop even thou i don't have a Clue what they be talking about, but the beats are always pn point and the flow and tone of the rappers i love so i hope you get to enjoy this..."
[Melle Mel "Everybody In G-Unit, Eminem's D4? & Bow Wow Aint Built For The Game" + Says New York Rap Fell Off When They Starting Taking Westcoast's Gangsterism + Says Female Rappers Need TO Stay In Their Lane & Be Lady Like]
"This is messed up"
[Experts claim serious side effects of flu shots amount to about one in a million - well this is what that one in a million looks like. This has freaked me out enough to bypass flu shots in the future. But what do I know - to each their own. A 25 year old woman in Ashburn, Virginia has come down with a severe debilitating neurological disorder days after receiving a seasonal flu vaccination.]
Here’s a new website for battling your raps. And no - it’s not another forum site! It’s system that is very user friendly & works by giving each user the ability to upload actual audio against other user’s.
The first 50 battle winners get free t-shirts so sign up and get battling. You don’t have to diss one another either - why not pit your wits against each other instead?
It’s got a much friendlier vibe than bigger commercial battle sites and has other nifty features including battle points which you accumulate and use to buy perks and extra features.
[Nikki D (Old School Female MC / The First Woman Signed To Def Jam) Claims They Trying To Erase Her History & Tight At The Def Jam Hip Hop Honors! "Nobody Sent Me An Invite To The Show. I Am That Chick With 38 Double D's"]
"Yet another Pix to show you the power of the Food Chain..this time its subways"
[Subway is the largest fast food franchise in the country. It's even bigger than McDonalds. The farthest point a person can be from a Subway is between the towns of Austin and Eureka. 138 miles to be exact. Also, Nevada is the most Subway-less state.]
S reports "Swag from Paper Route Records Confirms Rap Battle Between T-Rex & Math Hoffa on SMACK DVD going down on Halloween in NY. Hosted by Star & Buckwild."
"Gotta lov ya some Megan Good.."
[Meagan Good and her sister La’Myia helped their good friend, rapper Hazel-E, promote her “Valley Girl” single by taping a sketch video]
"This is wayy tooo funny"
"[Chinese Lady fighting with Black Lady over a seat in a san francisco muni in chinatown. Heres the TRANSLATION
Old Man#1(0:01 Beat that bitches ass. Old Lady#1(0:02): Don't hit her. Chinese Lady in the Pink(0:23): Don't let that bitch bully you. Chinese Lady: (0:09): This bitch got the nerve to yell at me for me asking her politely if i may sit down. (0.48): If that bitch didn't want to let me sit down don't mean she got to bitch at me. (0:59): I didn't yell at you bitch why you going off on me. If I don't stand up for myself, she won't get scared. (1:44): Dare to fucking pick on chinese people? (2:05): This bitch hogging the seat and I asked nicely if I may sit and that bitch kept hogging the seat. She has no heart, always bullying chinese people. Old Man#2(1:26): Hit that bitch. Old Man#3(1:33): Beat that bitch ass. Old Lady#2(1:37): Don't fight no more. Old Man#2((1:59): Beat the fuck out of her! ]"
"i read about this story in the Metro new's paper about a week ago and i never stopped larffing, and now i can finaly get to see the raw footage..classic stuff, look around the 1:20 min mark and look out for the Cross dressers in a pink wig and black long wig knocking out the two trouble makers..they did'nt realise the two cross dresser where cage fighters on a stag do...lol"
EvOn: What's Good? Ounze:I'm Blessed EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors? Ounze:I'm Ounze A.K.A O.Z I'm a Producer, Artist, Musician and DJ, Ive been doing music for a while now, its in my blood. EvOn: So what's happening with you & the music at the moment? Ounze:That's Exactly What it is a movement with me just trying to work with fam who are ready to take it to the next level.
EvOn: Are there any plans for any Collabs anytime soon? Ounze:Yeah.lol. Im not mentioning any names yet, becuase its not set in stone, you know legal stuff
EvOn: When people check out ya music What has the response been like so far? Ounze:The responce has been cool, nuthn but love, they wanting more.
EvOn: what inspires you to make ya tracks? Ounze: the world inspires me, just life and different situations, real and not real.
EvOn: what's the Gay hip hop scene like in the US? Ounze:Its Growing, however it needs more support, but its getting there. EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a female Rapper, and is being Gay important to sale your music or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs? Ounze: Its a tough journey but im a tough nicca lol, my sexuality is only a small percent of who i am if people like the music it does'nt matter they will support.
EvOn: Are there any other artists from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now? Ounze:None, shouting ME out, so Aaa Naw EvOn: If you wasn't making music what do you think you would be doing right now? Ounze:Back in the streets. EvOn: How important do you think it is for new artist’s to know their history and appreciate the different elements of Hiphop even if they don’t partake in them? Ounze:Its important to know something in the Hip-Hop history because you gotta give an image. EvOn: any final words / shoutouts before we finish? Ounze:I just wanna thank god, my family, my manager, frineds and fans. imma keep doing me and bringing y'all that fire.
"Ok now i don't want those who consider themselfs as fat to get at me for 1. saying FAT and 2. saying this is why ya fat, its my sense of humor please don't get offended by it, but i just wanted to share this clip as i feel that whatever food this woman is making is the reason why she is as big as she is how can anybody eat such crappy foods...ewww.." [Wanda's Macaroni Salad: it's not your traditional macaroni salad. To start, it's 7000 calories, includes an entire jar of mayonnaise, and serves 1.]
"lol...ok did i just larff at this video...??yup i think i did..now im not really sure what to think when i watch this clip but all i know is i watched it all the way to the end...its my kind of werid and stupid..lol"
"More great music from the folks at GAS-D. This one is a compilation of various artists. There tracks from Mos Def, The Isley Brothers, Herbie Hancock and several others. Here's the explanation of it:
The months following the release of Love is Real Vol. 3 have again affirmed everything that GAS’D, myself and everyone else in the universe living for Love, truly believe in. We are all vessels, placed on this planet to create. Blessed with the freedom to choose our medium, true fulfillment lies in carrying out our calling to its fullest extent. Which is ultimately done, one moment at a time. One Now at a time.
We must choose to act in the present without limiting ourselves by the thought of tomorrow. Give our today our everything. Create at our peak for the only time that matters, NOW. Fulfilling our divine calling while fulfilling our life through love.
This is a collection of moments. Every one of these tracks has been the soundtrack to my life in many key moments throughout my journey. Including very recent ones. As this mix itself was created in a moment. One sleep-free night, three days ago while simultaneously finalizing it’s closing track. “7th Sun,” a rough draft of the most recent work for my upcoming album. So it’s only right that we also drop this mix at a moment’s notice.
Without further a do, Enjoy this collection of Love sounds old, new, and in-between from some past LIR favorites, some good friends, & hopefully some artists you may not have heard before. And of course, you know how we set the vibe…Dim the lights, light one up and float." FREE DOWNLOAD HERE
" This mixtape is a perfect example of classic music being remixed. Beatnick and K-Salaam team up to remix classic songs from Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and of course Michael Jackson. This is also a MUST HAVE"
"This is a mix of the Noisettes' new album Wild Young Hearts and Kanye West's 808s and Heartbreak. The results are spectacular. This was put together by Mick Boogie and Terry Urban, and features remixes by 6th Sense, Double O, Apple Juice Kid, and more. A Must have"
EvOn: Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself for our visitors?
Naomi Sparks: Hey you guys this is ur girl Naomi Sparks, all the way from Atlanta, Georgia ....thank you on having me today Evon
EvOn: And thank you Ms. Sparks for talking with us on today
EvOn: So what's happening with you & the modeling at the moment?
Naomi Sparks: Well right now im working with XXL magazine just shot for them last week, Im also doing the Atlanta Internation fashion week so come support me.....and there's alot more in the works .....also keep the look out for my sexy 2010 calendar, for those who wanna see me threw out the year.....any information about anything dealing with Naomi Sparks you can check me out www.myspace.com/Naomi_sparks or email naomisparks9@aol.com and you can pretty much find out where im gonna be what im doing and so on...
EvOn: Are there any plans to take your modeling further or is this just a starting block for other Things to come?
Naomi Sparks: Oh yes,this is definitely a starter block for more opportunities in my career....but modeling is what i love, I just dont plan to stop there....
EvOn: When people check out ya modeling work What has been there responses so far?
Naomi Sparks: I really get alot of great responses on the fact that my look is very unique......not only that im a fun person to work with....ive never had a photoshoot where the photographer wasnt happy........im serious about my career and when i go in to shoot ing I just become a different person, and its fun for me....
EvOn: what inspires you in life and what made you want to become a model?
Naomi Sparks: I wanted to be a model from young. I can remember my mom putting me in modeling school at the age of ten. I cried and cried on how i wanted to become a model and one day she supprised me and we were in a modeling school....We did fashion shows for macy's and alot of other school magazines at that time..and so that has always been my dream...to become a model. The thing that inspires me....is my mom and just wanting the best for her....she has been there for me threw some very
crazy times and I just want nothing but the best for my mom she really deserves it.
EvOn: what's the Modeling scene like in the US?
Naomi Sparks: The modeling scene is very competitive, but theres also alot of work.....its a great place to be if you wanna get discovered.
EvOn: How Hard is it to make it in this industry as a model, and is promoting being Gay important to you in this industry or should you keep ya sexuality to your selfs?
Naomi Sparks: Well the main stream is pretty funny about sexual prefferences, like same sex. Im not on broadway promoting my preference, but im also not hiding that fact that I am lesbian.
EvOn: Are there any other models from the US/UK or from the gay scene that we should be looking out for right now?
Naomi Sparks: Im pretty much sure that you will see alot of ppl coming out and being freely gay or lesbian......and when they do i only wish to be there and support my GLBT community....
EvOn: If you wasn't modeling what do you think you would be doing right now?
Naomi Sparks: Well I know that I would be a business owner and definitley in the media..
EvOn: what adivise would you give to new models that wanna make it big in the industry?
Naomi Sparks: Really just to be safe meeting new photographers, never go alone....be positive and always be a lady. There will always be eyes on you and your reaction to things.....do everything in moderation....and always put your 100% in all that you do.....
EvOn: Any final words / shoutouts before we finish?
Naomi Sparks: Yes, I wanted to say thank you for everyone that has been in my life helping me along the way , my mom Gladys Givens, my Best Friend Shavonne Mclendon, my brother Andre washington......and all the photographers that did such a great job with my photos.....and just remember love God cause God is love.........
[Worldfocus reports "about the class and cultural divide behind Jamaica’s recent ban on Dancehall music from its radio airwaves.". Shout out to TheBurbsLife]
"LOL..how cool is this DUDE..he gives this Idiot one Palm hit to the face and the Idiot turns in to a Pussy...lol"
[ Thug Starts Acting Up & Gets Tuff On A Family Man That Knows Martial Arts! (Hoodlum Gets Dropped By Lightning Jab)]
"For thos in to thier Arts of short music...very strange..check it out"
[Z reports "HE EAR A new short film by Yi Zhou FEATURING PHARRELL WILLIAMS MUSIC BY ENNIO MORRICONE COSTUMES BY RICK OWENS AND BBC ICECREAM Inspired to Gogols short story entitled The Nose from the Petersburg tales, Yi have written her latest short film about the absurd story of the loss of an ear. The ear is actually the key element of the film, shot in RED and partly to be made in 3d animation. Throughout the film, the ear and inner ear as a whole turn themselves into an EarBrige as they get crossed by a bridge. The EarBridge is part of a public project proposal for Baku, Azerbaijan that includes a number of important international contemporary artists. "]
[Hip-Hop Theater Festival (HHTF) is back stretching from Brooklyn to Manhattan and bringing three culturally-packed weeks of art, dance, andtheater. From October 1st-17th the HHTF will celebrate the foundational roots and evolution of Hip-Hop, along with the movement’s groundbreaking journey through the arts in a series of shows. Broken into three overarching themes, the festival features the classical elements of hip-hop (music; break dancing; graffiti), family-friendliness (a children’s show; a show for youth, by youth; spoken word performances and finally women leading the way forward (reading series; women-centric performances). Included in these various performances are fully produced theater works, staged readings, educational panels, dance showcases and workshops all in celebration of theHip-Hop movement.