I Would like to give a shout out to the Fab Femme, thank you for putting me on i really appreciate it, now thats Support..!Read on i hope you enjoy..

I am LOVING this musicians sound and I think you all will enjoy it too. Meet Evon, a talented lesbian MC from Britian. Check out her music, bio, and photo below :-)
Bio: EvOn – [The Music Bully] Born in South London Brixton is a Hip-Hop/Song Writer who started her Hip-Hop career in 1994, EvOns first Test Pressing was Released in 1994/95 Called Juss vibzin & Hell Hath no fury. Produced by No Sleep Nigel back when EvOn was first known as Evey-D, at 15 EvOn Managed to get signed to WEA and MCA which intern has granted EvOn Major Label Musical Experience,
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