"Ok So i came across these Three articals About "Gays/Jamacia"

1). With reference to the ongoing saga of some dancehall artists (Stop Murder Music campaign) being extremely homophobic, Jamaican LGBT activists explain why a U.S.-led boycott of two Jamaican products would harm their struggle for equality [Read the Full Artical Here,
2). Betty Ann Blaine in Jamaica writes that whether Jamaica likes it or not, the homosexual issue is very much on the nation's agenda, and we had better pay close attention. Read More Here
3). A British minister raised the issue of decriminalisation of homosexual acts at a recent meeting with the Prime Minister of Jamaica. Gareth Thomas, minister of state at the Department for International Development, told PinkNews.co.uk that tackling state and cultural homophobia is vital to the fight against HIV in the Caribbean. Read More Here

Also I wanted to check out the J.FLAG Website but it's no longer avalible..Uhmm i wonder why? where are they now? or is thier another Site under a different name? who know's, but its strange to think a Big website who was offering so much guidance and help is no longer Up & Running.
Im Sure the issue over in jamaica are still the same or maybe worse..
anyways i just wanted to Share.
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